Another beautiful day in paradise for us began in Ardlui this morning. Dad woke Malcolm and I up and we had a hearty breakfast before catching the ferry back over to recommence battle on the WHW. Malcolm's ankle seems to be just about ok this morning and we got back on the trail at 9:30 am. The first hour was straightforward enough and saw us out of the Loch and into the lowland-highland country. Stopped for a pit-stop at a campsite/bar and bought some sarnies for the day. They also sold walking sticks so Malcolm bough himself a pair (sold to him by the local chef, you had to be there!) which helped his walking no end and gave Dad and I some ammunition to save for later on. We all picked up the pace thereafter and had a cracking walk to Crainlarich enjoying much easier terrain than yesterday evening (where we were basically in Rob Roy's footsteps!) and made our way through very nice lowland hiking. Had lunch around 1:30 pm just outside the forest before Crainlarich before segueing into a busy afternoon in the forest which was interspersed with spectacular views of the glen. After about an hour's walking in the forest we hit the valley and took a well-earned break at [editor, please insert here later on!] which is just one of many great places along the trail catering to hikers.
We were all pretty darned beat around this point, and Malcolm bless his heart had the great idea to buy some lucozade which we all partook. Dad was really quite tickled by this and bought a bottle of coke, which we soon consumed. It was fair to say that this purchase transformed our afternoon. Dad set of in overdrive and there was no holding him back for the rest of the day. We met up with a nice couple who we hiked back to Trymen with, then we carried on for the last 6 miles (which seemed like an eternity) to the bridge of Orchy. It was really spectacular walking, but took us much longer than we thought! We eventually rocked up at BOO at 7:20 pm tired but happy. The BOO hotel is absolutely awesome - it makes Ardlui look like a tin shed. The place here has to be seen to be believed. We were wined and dined this evening amid fantastic views of the bens and all swore to come back here soon.
We feel like we've broken the back of this walk and, with only about 35 miles or so to go, are looking forward to the final two days. It's been absolutely epic so far - Dad has been rolling back the years, and Malcolm has defied the odds of 24 hr ago to walk with a dodgy ankle to put us 48 hr from glory! Can't wait to get stuck into day four to Kinlochleven tomorrow! Who knows, maybe we can pull off one of the great British sporting achievements in recent memory?
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